Visitor Management and Modern Office Blog

5 Tips to Maintain Productivity During the Holidays | Greetly

Written by Greetly Digital Receptionist | Dec 16, 2014 7:00:00 AM

The holidays are time for family, food, fun and celebration. And, let’s face it, lower workplace productivity. Managers don’t want to be The Grinch, so December is not the time to push workers to the limit. Nevertheless, you can use these tips to maintain productivity throughout the holiday season.

Show Your Appreciation

Tradition has employees giving their bosses gifts. That tradition should be reversed – it pays for managers to thank employees with gifts. New research suggests “a thank you that comes with an associated gift or reward is the most powerful and lasting form of recognition.” What’s even better is to give custom gifts based on each employees' interests and personal lives.

Flexible Hours

Research highlights flexible hours increases productivity in many office environments, although not all of them. Regardless of where you fall, giving employees flexibility during the holidays may make sense. Instead of having stressed employees contemplating spending their lunch breaks waiting in lines, let them shop or visit the post office during off times. Employees will maintain focus while working and be less stressed while running errands.

Leverage Technology

Use office automation technology to fill the gap for employees that are out of the office or focused elsewhere. For example, Greetly, the iPad receptionist app, can run your reception area. Greetly greets visitors and accepts food and package deliveries 24/7/365. No need to pull the junior accountant to the front desk while the receptionist runs errands or attends the company thank you party.

Free Food

Giving employees free food boosts morale. It makes employees feel more appreciated and boosts workplace camaraderie. Food-related perks can be especially valuable during the holiday season; lunch and snacks become one of many reasons to leave the office. To maintain productivity, good etiquette says to offer some healthy options, otherwise, you may accidentally penalize employees for making good choices.

Focus on Creative Activities

Many employees will spend some time during the holiday season reflecting on their personal lives. They often remind themselves how thankful they are for their families and friends. In addition, they may spend time exploring their satisfaction with their career.

Bring that mentality to the office. Don’t risk breaking employees by constantly pushing for a strong close to the year. Spend some time brainstorming and exploring big ideas about your company and products. Ask your customers for product feedback; their loyalty will increase if they feel their voices are heard.

Conclusion - Make the Holidays Work for You

For many, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Maintaining productivity can be a major challenge as the year draws to a close. As a manager, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of your team. What is bringing them joy and what is adding to their stress? These free and low-cost tactics should help maintain productivity and employee morale for your team and end the year on a high note at the office.


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