We’ll make this short and sweet. (No, this is not a post about one of our favorite TV shows.)
After collective decades of working all over the globe in all different industries, we at Greetly have spent countless hours by the colloquial watercooler. Despite the differences in location, industry, or Fortune size, there are some things that just remain the same.
Last week we asked you, “have you noticed how sometimes the simplest tasks take up the most time?”
This is one of the many universal office truths that just can’t be ignored. The idiosyncrasies that make up your everyday experiences at (INSERT YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE).

We call these Office-isms
Office-isms are the challenges that you can see clear as day but yet you can’t seem to change. They’re the quirks that make your day, well, interesting…
At Greetly, we take these office-isms, learn from them, and apply that knowledge to our latest and greatest product features.
Over the next few months we’ll continue to share some Office-isms with you, and we’d love to hear some of your own. So, what have you experienced? The more you share, the more we’ll be able to solve for those unique “opportunities” that you encounter every day!
---Dave at Greetly