Electronic Reception System

In today’s hectic economy and work environment, it is mission-critical to make the most of each minute your people are in the office. That is why Greetly offers a comprehensive electronic reception system that helps businesses handle the check-in process and manages their visitors. Our cloud-based visitor management solution is designed to give you the ability to accommodate visitors immediately through a fully digitized check-in solution, reducing wait times for guests, and improving their impression of your business.

Find out how our platform can enhance your customer service experience.

What Is an Electronic Receptionist?

An electronic receptionist is software to automate the process of receiving and checking in visitors into a workplace. Whether you are being careful with how you utilize your human capital or trying to minimize physical contact, this is where electronic reception can help.

Touchless, digitized reception software helps companies ensure that all guests are attended to and checked in quickly. It provides them with a way to receive people while significantly reducing the waiting time. Electronic receptionist software can handle many tasks related to visitor management.

Modern and smart electronic receptionist software is easily customizable based on the specific needs of a company. They can even collect information from guests to provide better experiences throughout their interactions with your company.

A significant advantage provided by an electronic receptionist is that it helps businesses speed up visitor check-in while ensuring clarity of instructions and minimal waiting time for guests.

Get in touch with us today to book a demo.

Used by Leading Brands From Around the World

Benefits of an Electronic Reception System

A quality electronic reception platform like Greetly can provide numerous advantages to businesses today. Here are several key benefits you can get with our software:

Improved Safety for Guests

As work has changed after the COVID-19 pandemic, visitors are looking to minimize unnecessary physical interactions. That is why Greetly launched the first touchless visitor management platform. Guests can check themselves into your office without speaking with admin personnel or touching a shared kiosk.

Having a digital reception kiosk in place can also help companies during evacuations. Greetly visitor management platform can notify all guests (and employees) in an emergency, and help you track who has made it out safely.

Enhanced Security for Your Business

Besides the safety benefit of being able to track everyone in a building, an electronic reception system can also supply added security to a business. Monitoring anyone who enters and exits an office is essential to avoid the possibilities of theft and harm to employees and assets.

A paperless registration system can capture visitor photos and print temporary badges, so they are instantly identified by staff. Greetly’s electronic receptionist can also check guests against a watchlist, or BOLO (be on the lookout for) list so unwanted guests do not enter the premises.

All of these security features are especially important if your company is subject to regulatory requirements, requires internal or third-party audits, or is a government contractor.

Better Brand Image

You’ve already spent a lot of time, money, and effort to ensure your brand’s image is on track. Significant resources have already been allocated to craft an ideal image, but it can only take one issue for it to go down the drain. Greeting an important guest with long queue times or an old visitor sign-in book can be all it takes to spoil all your efforts.

With an electronic reception system, you can personalize how your software greets guests while making sure that they are processed as soon as they arrive. Not only does this provide a modern feel, but you’ll also guarantee that all visitors are received appropriately.

A huge advantage of an electronic receptionist is that they don’t need to take a break, get called away, or go on vacation.

Increased Overall Productivity

A full-time receptionist team can be helpful for many businesses, but if one isn’t available, then you’ll often have to rely on other staff to fill in the roles. This creates the problem that most of these assigned individuals will also have to perform other tasks that may prevent them from focusing when they need to prioritize checking in guests.

With an electronic reception platform like Greetly, you don’t need dedicated admin staff to manage the front desk, or to pull employees away from their desks to handle visitors. The guests can process themselves simply by presenting the necessary information. Not only will this free up your staff, but it also lets them prioritize the tasks you hired them to do.

Extend Front Office Capabilities

Another major advantage of an electronic receptionist is its ability to extend the capabilities of your front office staff. This is because human receptionists often have more responsibilities than just greeting visitors; they may also do other tasks like writing newsletters or entering important data.

A receptionist that has several skills can be of significant use for any company, but they are only a single individual. They don’t have the ability to do several things at once as effectively as a digital receptionist.

When you use an electronic reception platform, you don’t have to bother your human receptionist to stop what they’re doing. Visitors can check themselves in upon arrival while your system automatically logs their information onto the network.

This paperless solution can lighten the load of your existing receptionists while increasing the capabilities of serving guests with more complex needs. This feature can lead to a significantly improved check-in experience for your visitors.

Fewer Check-in Steps

Check-in processes can be a frustrating experience for many guests. As a business, you want this phase to be as smooth as possible to ensure visitors can accomplish what they set out to do.

When you use a platform like Greetly, you can significantly reduce the steps to your check-in procedure, so people don’t have to go through several stages just to be admitted. Our system will also automatically inform relevant employees of guest arrival via a host of integrated communication channels.

What Can Our Electronic Receptionist Software Do for You?

Our electronic receptionist software can work together with your customer service team to provide top-notch solutions for both you and your clients. The following are the main services you can expect from our platform:

Receive All Business Visitors Reliably

Receiving an unpredictable volume of visitors that is too much for your human receptionists to handle will result in others being put on hold. When there are many guests that need to check in at one time, this will lead to long wait times and dissatisfaction with your service.

With our electronic receptionist system in place, you can make sure that all visitors are handled by an able receiver. Guests don’t need to wait for a long time since Greetly can process check-ins swiftly and with touchless integrations, multiple visitors can be processed at the same time.

Free up Administrative Personnel

Again, human receptionists are great when they only handle a limited number of visitors at one time. However, your check-in process can easily get backed up when there are too many guests to manage simultaneously.

When you have an automated system that handles visitor management and check-ins, you can significantly free up the time your human receptionists would usually give to manage other tasks. Your agents can focus on doing other activities that will benefit the organization.

Provide Enhanced Customer Service

Since you can use an electronic reception system to manage guests, you don’t have to keep them waiting in line for a prolonged amount of time. Visitors can easily check in and get to where they need to be in a prompt way.

Besides that, real-time notifications are sent to the host employee upon arrival of a guest. Such alerts can help hosts prepare prior to meeting so that they can provide the best service possible.

Download Our Digital
Receptionist Checklist

Greetly provides an easy-to-use digital receptionist checklist to help you find what you need in an electronic visitor reception systemFill out the form below and you'll receive our checklist immediately.

Using a queue management system kiosk

How Electronic Reception Management Increases Visitor and Employee Satisfaction

Electronic queue management system price

Self-Help Visitor Check-In

Never keep an important stakeholder waiting. Customers, students, and constituents check themselves in via a self-service kiosk or contactless using their own smartphones. Repeat visitors can check in faster by scanning a QR code.

Multi-lingual visitor check-in software

Speaks Any Language

Visitors can check-in in any language. Yes, the most multi-lingual visitor queue management solution can literally be in any language. This makes visitors comfortable in supplying the right information so they can receive the best customer experience and service possible.

Best government queue management solutions

Build Electronic Queues

Don't keep your most important stakeholders or customers waiting in line. With electronic reception management once they register, they are immediately placed in the proper digital line. Service providers can call the next person to be seen and guests can also be notified by voice call, text message, or email.

Leverage a Robust Electronic Reception Platform Today

Greetly offers a modern, cloud-based electronic reception system that makes it easy for businesses to check in their visitors. You don’t need to install expensive hardware or have more staff to get things going. All you need to do is to install our infrastructure in your organization to start leveraging its benefits.


Some of the key features of Greetly include:

  • The ability for guests to check in themselves
  • An easy-to-use platform for visitors who aren’t tech-savvy
  • In-depth customization to showcase your brand
  • Visitor badges that feature visitor photos and details
  • Online visitor logbook with searching, sorting, and filtering functions

Greetly can provide your company with the latest technology when it comes to processing your guests. Want to learn more? Sign up for a free demo today.

Benefits of using queue system kiosks

A Electronic Reception System Works to Improve Visitor Experiences

Greetly's mission is to provide the best visitor management experience. We do this by being the world's most customizable digital queuing system.

Do your guests come seeking different services? Our Client Success team will set up different registration workflows that capture the exact information your team needs to provide the best-in-class service. Whether you need to collect:

  • Basic contact information
  • A more complicated series of questions, directed by prior responses
  • Visitor photos
  • Driver's license scanning
  • Show a video
  • Electronic signatures on waivers or other legal documents
  • So many more possibilities we would run out of bits and bytes if we listed them all

We also make the sign-in process easy for your guests thanks to:

  • An intuitive user interface
  • Touchless check-in
  • Scanning a government-issued ID speeds up the process
  • Emails or text messages confirming they have been added to the queue 
  • Automated follow-up communications like customer feedback surveys or requests for a review

For your firm, electronic reception system benefits include more efficient use of your personnel, great first impressions, no more long queues, shorter visitor wait times, better data, more communication touchpoints with your visitors, and the ability to maintain all regulatory compliance requirements.

Try The World's Most Customizable Visitor Management System


Try Greetly free with a no-obligation demo today. This fully featured trial comes with 24/7 support to get you up and running quickly. Our 14-day trial allows you to test Greetly and show it to your VIP visitors.