Productivity Tips

Greetly to Offer No-Touch Visitor Management

Visitor management system to offer current and future clients no-touch technology for safer visitor check-ins for all types of workplaces.

Originally published by Kiosk Marketplace. Reposted with permission.

Kiosk marketplace covers Greetly's innovative no-touch visitor management system

Greetly, a visitor management system, will offer all existing and future clients the ability to leverage no-touch technology for safer visitor check ins within all types of buildings by June, according to a press release.

Visitors will be able to initiate and complete the check-in process using their own smartphones without having to download any apps or touch any third-party screens.

The welcome screen of the Greetly app will display a QR code and a URL, both unique to the specific workplace, to initiate the sign-in process. Greetly will make sure visitors are on location before allowing them to begin the check-in process.

What is a Visitor Management System?  How does it impact your business?  ️ Download the free ebook and learn more today.

Guests can then complete the entire visitor check-in process including finding and selecting their host, entering the required information about themselves, taking a visitor photo, and/or eSigning legal documents. When the process is complete, hosts will be notified. All of this will work exactly as if the visitor had used a kiosk.

Topics: GreetlySoftware, Customer Experience, Retail

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